Saturday, May 30, 2009


Here's a video of a few of my falls + something else. What could it be?? You'll have to find out yourself by watching the video! ENJOI! :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009


He looks a lil' bummed maybe cause his weiner is stuck to tha table.


This is my brother Bryce! He is wearing the World Famous Green Man Costume from the T.V. show "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia", I think Charlie  wears it as a super hero in one of the episodes and also wears it in the finale play "GREEN MAN"!!!!!!! So ENJOI!!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


It was a cold gloomy morning in mid July and I was just waking up from my dreamy sleep with my beautiful wife Martha, I decided to check my myspace before I went to work this time, so as normal I opened up the browser and put up myspace... but little did I know that it was actually the beginning of a horrific series of events in my life, and by doing the simple act of casually checking a bulliten I single hand-ly destroyed my life. The bulliten looked like one of those retarded chain letters that everyone hates, but I actually read this one through, maybe it was pity on the person that enticed me to read it, or maybe it was just my own burried deep feeling of fear of that letter, but whatever it was I wish that I could over come my complex emotions... It was a basic chain letter, stating about reposting the letter within one hour or the person you love most will die. Noticing the time I realized I was going to be late to work if I kept reading bullitens started by lifeless drones who had nothing better to do than to post simplistic letters trying to scare people. It was the normal day at work... suck this, and put this down there, and just as my client was about to finish paying, my boss came walking down the hall with a grim look on his face, it filled me with dread. But this dread was different it wasn't the dread of having to think you might have to speak to your boss, it was a dread that I couldn't really classify at the time, but it was actually the dread that the person you loved most just died... I got home in a cold sweat, time must have stopped itself because I was stuck in that one hour for all of my life, I just still couldn't believe that she was gone, I opened myspace in a strange sort of way, I didn't know if it was safe to ever look at it again, it filled me with fear. I went back to his bulliten, went to his profile, got his name, and looked him up in the phonebook, I got in my car and headed for his house. Upon finally reaching his house I decided I was going to go through with it no matter what... I opened the front door ever so quietly, I slowly made it inside, I made my way to the finally door that I would have to open, I slowly creaked it open and I took out my knife, then I attacked! I ripped the box open and all the Mountain dew came crashing out I then grabbed all the kool aid I could carry and I dashed out toward the garage where I could escape, but then I knew the cops would be tracking my car, so I couldn't take that, just as the footsteps that were edging ever closer since I grabbed all the drinks were just about to reach me, I decided to take a bike sitting ever so perfectly upright, as if to say "take me" As I rode away into the night, I realized that my whole life I once had, a beautiful wife, a big house, a sick set of wheels, was gone, all I had now was 7 dented cans of mountain dew revolution, kool aid, and a bike. But I knew tat this wasn't enough, I then realized I would have to make my living stealing all of these things again and again in order to survive. And surviving is what all humans have programmed into their brains, so it leaves me with the only choice, to steal to stay alive.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

R.I.P. CCK MONTAGE!!!!!!!!!!

Ethan Loy, David Loy, Ronnie, Theotis Beasley, 
Cody Davis, Stephen, Richie Valdez, & Louie Lopez!

Tot Takes Tumble

Vladimir gets edit credit and Tyler walks away with earthquake cam shame

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another weekend well spent

The Following was filmed with my janky camera set-up

Tyler's line was cut short because of the po po

Some pics from Sedona

Try to pronounce this.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Things that make me chuckle...

Today I received Thrasher in the mail. Yay. As I was flipping through its glossy color photos, getting hip with the latest skate trends, i came across two things that made me guffaw.
the first being this caption. How much dirt is hella dirt?
the second being the poking fun at a athlete/rapper/artist/mogul/facetatted dude and using the word silly

Friday, May 8, 2009


I already did Lip Fakie Before this fall, then i did it again for a second angle and a photo, and ended up dislocating my Clavicle! WHich is your Collar Bone basically, so ENJOY!!! :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009



Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weakend at Ellis'

started the weekend off right with a ripstik kickflip
ellis got his urban sled on
i tried and got a owie!